Thursday, May 5, 2011


This is the end of my first week of nights. It hasn't been too bad, I got to lay down every night so far. Monday night was rough as I had worked a 24 on Sun and then slept a whole two hours before my next shift of 14 hrs, ugh. Now I have off until Sunday.
I have to work on my M&M for next week. This schedule in not at all conducive to making it to the gym except for Th/Fri/Sat...I hope I don't lose my motivation but I plan to go when I get off today.
I got to go home for Easter but had a cold and was really tired, boo. My community group from church took me out for my birthday, love, love love them! Mexican food and bowling, yippee.
I have every night that I am off this month booked with stuff with them so it should be more fun times.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bloggin Again

I decided that I am going to start writing on my blog again, I love reading my friends' blogs. I think it might be somewhat therapeutic too.

I started working out at a gym which I never though I would have time for, I have since become addicted to it, and its hard to find an excuse not to get to the gym. I have new work out clothes, my sport drink packs and the necessary post workout protein shake. My ipod with angry music and my gloves make it that much more a"comfortable" experience. Plus, it a great people watching place...yes I am that girl.

Well, off to bed to start a day of surgery with the privates, always a toss up. Then I am sure I will make it to the gym...